6 Scenarios After a Fall

The goal of this article is to become more aware of possible outcomes after a fall.

Scenario 1: Fall -> nothing happens and you are OK. (No bruising, no broken body parts.)

Scenario 2: Fall -> nothing happens, but you needed help getting up. (This is a sign of weakness/balance.)

Scenario 3: Fall -> nothing happens, but no one is around to help out. You wait on the floor until someone comes along. (This scenario leaves you  with the feeling of helplessness.)

Scenario 4: Fall -> hurt yourself and cannot get up -> hospital -> nursing home rehab -> Outpatient rehab -> Wellness maintenance -> back to normal (6-12 month process)

Scenario 5: Fall -> hurt yourself and cannot get up -> hospital -> nursing home rehab -> Outpatient rehab -> Wellness maintenance -> never back to normal. The fall was just too traumatic (6-12 month process)

Scenario 6: Fall -> hurt yourself and cannot get up -> hospital -> death.

Any of these scenarios is a sign that you will most likely fall again. Don’t wait. Balance never improve on its own.

Reach out to us and we can definitely help you stay up!