Correlation between Incontinence and Falls

There was a statistic that I read awhile ago about how people with incontinence have a higher chance of falling. (Incontinence is the inability to control bladder.)

I thought about this and asked a few of my colleagues. No one really seemed to be aware of this. Well, I didn’t either.

If you think about a time when you had to wake up at night to use the bathroom, you will probably find the answer to this. People with incontinence have a higher chances of falls, not because they have to use the bathroom, but because they are always rushing to go to the bathroom. If they cannot get there on time, they will have ‘accidents’. Because of this rushing, combined with balance issues, it can lead to deadly consequences.

If you have incontinence, here are the things you can do:

  1. Schedule time intervals to use the bathroom regularly. Don’t wait until you have to go.
  2. Improve your pelvic floor muscular training.
  3. Improve your balance and muscle strength, so you can get to the bathroom faster and more safely.
  4. Check in with your MD.

Urinary Incontinence and Fall research article